English Speakers
Alice de Kerchove de Denterghem and Ludovic Marsille have come together within the Atelier du Rossignol (the Nightingale’s Forge), in order to combine their blacksmithing talents. The complementarity of their professional experiences allows them to offer a large range of expertise, such as :
- creating and restoring keys and locks (both antique and modern)
- making gates, ramps, mechanical parts …
- producing and installing metal hardware (locks, door handles, nails …)
- lockpicking antique locks in order to open doors or furniture without damaging the object
- training, both practical and theoretical
- drawing, offering advise and expertise in particular concerning keys and locks. L’Atelier du Rossignol can offer its services to analyse malfunctioning locks, to date them… We can also suggest plans and draw complex mechanics in DAO 2D
- creating wrought steel tools for all purposes, depending on your needs.
You can discover our projects on our blog and in the photo index. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, if you would like to discuss a project or even just to let us know about an event that you are organising on metalwork. Don’t forget to leave your contact details so that we can get back to you, even in English !